International Society for Knowledge Organization
International Society for Knowledge Organization
Knowledge organization systems square measure as recent as the office itself. although the current review is of recent literature, students have written concerning the past of information organization systems and then conjointly concerning these trends. whereas writing on the occasion of the fifty years of the Institute of knowledge Scientists (UK), Dextre Clarke (2008) given a historical review and mentioned this standing of the developments in information organisation tools, theories and principles. in keeping with Dextre Clarke, analysis in classification principles, faceted classification, theories and practices in synonym finder construction, use of technology within the style and development of information organisation tools square measure a number of the landmarks within the development of information organisation tools.
International Society for Knowledge Organization: Some important the current trends list ........
- IFLA: International federation of library association and institutions
- Subject analysis and access section
- SKOS Knowledge organization system and the semantic web
- ASIST: American Society for Information science and Technology
- Special Libraries Association. Taxonomy Division
- CILIP: [UK] Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
- Brazilian KO Group
- DRTC: Documentation Research and Training Centre (Indian Statistical Institute)
- Classification Research Group: London
- Dewey Services (OCLC)
- UDCC: Universal Decimal Classification Consortium
- BCA: Bliss Classification Association
- ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization
- Semantic Web (W3C)
- the Semantic web community portal
- WebOnt: Web Ontology Working Group (W3C)
- NKOS: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services
- Vocabulary Mapping Framework (JISC)
- Knowledge extraction and semantic interoperability (DELOS)
- Upper Ontology Summit (NIST)
- OOR: Open Ontology Repository Initiative
- SEMIC.EU: Semantic interoperability centre Europe
- British Computer Society. Electronic Publishing Specialist Group
- NCOR: [US] National Center for Ontological Research
- Ontology Research Group (SUNY. University at Buffalo)
- OASIS. TC Published subjects
- TaxoCoP: Taxonomy Community of Practice
- AIFIA: Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture
- TREC: Text Retrieval Conference
- Description logic
- ICSS: International Conference on Conceptual Structures
- Description logics (KR Inc.)
- Conceptual graphs
- A formal concept analysis homepage (Napier University)
- International Agreement of Indexing Societies
- ISO: International Organization for Standardization
- ISA: International Sociological Association
- Terminology Forum
- TermNet: the international network for terminology
- Infoterm: International Information Centre for Terminology
- Realiter: Rete panlatina di terminologia
- AFIA. TIA: Groupe de travail Terminologie et intelligence artificielle
- JISC. Terminology services and technology
- Minerva Europe. Multilingualism and thesaurus subgroup
- Eco term (European Environment Agency)
- cMap: Classification and mapping for e-business and e-procurement
- IFCS: International Federation of Classification Societies [statistics]
- The Systematics Association [biology]
- WHS: Willi Hennig Society [cladistic taxonomy]
- CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model [museology]
- Le monde du classement / Thomas Heitz
- GfKI : German classification Society
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