Ugc Net Question Library information science 2021
UGC Net Question Library information science UC Net Update Question
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Order of Library and Information Science_:
1792- - Bibliothec Nationale, Paris (National Library of France)
1800- - Library of Congress, the national and parliamentary library of the USA was built up.
1836- - Calcutta Public Library(India) was opened to people in general.
1837 (14 March)- - Birth of C.A. Shaper in Boston
1848- - Boston Public Library Act
1850 (14 August)- - First Library act at National Level on the planet, United Kingdom
1851 (10 Dec)- - Birth of Melvil Dewey in Adams Center, close Water town, New York
1852- - Roget's Thesaurus
1862- - State Lenin Library, Moscow, Russia
1862 (6 Nov)- - Birth of James Duff Brown in Edinburgh.
1870(20 Jan)- - H.E. Ecstasy, The maker of Bibliographic Classification was conceived. Thought to be one of the Greatest Classificationist created by the USA
1876- - Dewey Decimal Classification conceived by Melvil Dewey
1876- - arrangement of American Library Association (ALA), the most seasoned library relationship on the planet.
1877 (5 Oct)- - Library Association (UK) was established.
1879- - Expansive Classification by C.A. Shaper
1887- - Melvil Dewey established the First School for Librarianship on the planet at Columbia
1891- - Imperial Library, Calcutta (India)
1892 (9 Aug)- - Birth of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in Shiyali, Tanjore District of Madras State. In any case, in Official Records, the twelfth of August has come into utilization as his Date of Birth.
1898- - Library of Congress Subject Headings
1901- - Library of Congress Shared Cataloging administration
1902- - Library of Congress Classification
1905-First release of the Universal Decimal Classification was distributed
1906- - Subject Classification by J. D. Dark-colored
1908- - Anglo American Code
1909-Special Libraries Association (SLA) was shaped, Special bookkeepers in the field of science are the principal experts to have practical experience in synthetic data science
1911- - Kaisers deliberate Indexing
1912- - National Library of Germany
1914 (10 April)- - The principal Conference of the Andhra Desa Librarians was held at Bezawada (Vijayawada) which brought about the arrangement of the main library assocation in India. i.e. The Andhra Desa Library Association.
1915- - Adams Report (U.K)
1923- - Sears List of Subject Headings (SLSH)
1924- - Mitchell and Kenyon Report
1924 (fourth Jan)- - Dr.S.R. Ranganathan assumed responsibility of the Madras University Library is Librarian.
1924- - Indian Library Journal was the first Library Journal in English distributed in India
1926 - Association of Special Libraries and Information
Beureaux (ASLIB)
1927-International Federation of Library Associatons (IFLA) was built up
1931- - Madras University was the primary University that began full time Diploma course in Library Science in India
1933- - Colon Classification by Dr. S.r. Ranganathan
1933(13, September)- - Indian Library Association(ILA) was shaped at the First All India Library Conference at Calcutta.
1933- - First All India Library Conference at Calcutta (India)
1935- - Bibliographic Classification by H. E. Euphoria
1939 (10 March)- - The Delhi Library Association was shaped.
1942- - McColvin Report (U.K)
1946- - Establishment of UNESCO.
1948- - Government of India changed the name of the Imperial Library to the National Library, with the establishment of the Imperial Library (Change of Name) Act, 1948
1948 (25 Nov)- - First Public Library Act (Madras, Tamil Nadu) Passed in India
1948- - National Diet Library, Japan
1948 (7 March)- - Dr. S.R. Ranganathan was met with the Honorary level of Doctor of Letters by the Governor-General of India, Lord Mountbatten the then Chancellor of the University of Delhi.
1948- - University of Delhi was first college in India that gave the offices to directing Masters Degree (M.Lib. Sc.) and Ph.D
1950- - Relational Indexing by J.E.L.Farradane
1950 (4 Jan)- - The main issue of the British Natiional Bibliography (BNB) was brought out.
1951 (27 Oct)- - Inauguration of the Delhi Public Library (DPL) by late Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.
1952 (24 March)- - Indian National Scientific Documentation Center (INSDOC) was set up in New Delhi by Govt. of India with the assistance from UNESCO
1953- - The National Library of India is opened for Public
1953-UNITERM by Martimer Taube
1955-Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers (IASLIC) was established at Kolkata (India)
1955- - Post-Coordinate Indexing UNITERM by Martimer Taube
1957 (29)- - Padmasri was granted to Dr. S.R. Ranganathan by the President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
1957- - First International Study Conference on Classification was held at Dorking (England)
1959- - Robert Report (U.K)
1961- - International Classification by F. Rider
1962 (18 Aug)- - DRTC, Bangalore was inaugurated by Dr. C.D. Deshmukh.
1963- - Coats Subject Indexing by E.J. Coats
1964- - Public Library and Museum Act
1964- - UGC-UK (Parry Committee Report)
1964- - POPSI by G. Bhattacharya
1965 (22 April)- - The Mysore Public Libraries Act happened.
1966- - MARC
1967- - AACR-I
1967- - Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)

Ø Plan for the "ARPANET", distributing it in 1967
Ø Leonard Kleinrock at MIT distributed the main paper on the parcel exchanging hypothesis in July 1961
Ø ARPANET Host-to-Host convention called the Network Control Protocol (NCP).
Ø NFC benchmarks cover correspondences conventions and information trade positions
Ø NFC gadgets can be utilized as a part of contactless installment frameworks, like those as of now utilized as a part of Visas and electronic ticket smartcards and enable portable installment to supplant or supplement these frameworks.
Ø NFC can be utilized as a part of long-range informal communication circumstances, for example, sharing contacts, photographs, recordings or documents and entering multiplayer versatile amusement
Ø 2006 Nokia 6131 was the main NFC telephone
Ø An individual region arrange (PAN) is a PC organize utilized for information transmission among gadgets, for example, PCs, phones and individual computerized colleagues.
remote individual territory organize (WPAN) is a PAN extended remote system innovations, for example,
1. IrDA
2. Remote USB
3. Bluetooth
4. Z-Wave
5. ZigBee
6. Body Area Network "
Calvin Mooers (1999 - 1994)
Imperative work :
Ø Information Theory .
Ø Coined "Data Retrieval " (1950)
Ø Artificial Intelligence
Ø Mooers Law (1959)
Ø TRAC Programming dialect
Ø Zatocoding ( data recovery) System (1951)
Frederick Gridley Kilgour (January 6, 1914 – July 31, 2006) was an American custodian. what's more, teacher known as the establishing chief of OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) He was president and official executive from( 1967 to 1980.)
Ada Sara Adler (18 February 1878, Frederiksberg - 28 December 1946, Copenhagen) was a Danish established researcher and bookkeeper. She is best known for her basic, standard version of the Suda.
Ø Google — Larry Page and Sergey Brin
Ø Facebook—Mark Zuckerberg
Ø Yahoo—David Filo and Jerry Yang
Ø Twitter—Jack Dorsey and Dick Costolo
Ø Internet—Tim Berners Lee
Ø Linkdin—Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue& Koonstantin Guericke
Ø Email—Shiva Ayyadurai
Ø Gtalk—Richard Wah kan
Ø Whatsapp — Laurel Kirtz
Ø Hotmail—Sabeer Bhatia
Ø Orkut—Buyukkokten
Ø Wikipedia—Jimmy Wales
Ø Youtube—Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and JawedKarim
Ø Rediffmail—Ajit Balakrishnan
Ø Nimbuzz—Martin Smink and Evert Jaap Lugt
Ø Myspace—Chris Dewolfe and Tom Anderson
Ø Ibibo — Ashish Kashyap
Ø OLX—Alec Oxenford and Fabrice Grinda
Ø Skype—Niklas Zennstrom,Janus Friis and Reid Hoffman
Ø Opera—Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner and Geir lvarsoy
Ø Mozilla Firefox—Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross
Blogger—Evan Willam Belli
Order/Cataloging SCHEMES

Sr. No. Classification/Cataloging Schemes Inventor Year
1 Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Melvil Dewey 1876
2 Colon Classification (CC) S.R. Ranganathan 1933
3 Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) FID(Henry La Fontaine and Paul Otlet) 1905
4 Library of Congress Classification (LC) Library of Congress 1904
5 Subject Classification (SC) J.D. Brown 1906
6 Expansive Classification (EC) Cutter C.A. 1891
7 Bibliographic Classification (BC) Bliss H.E. 1935
8 International Classification (IC) F.Rider 1961
9 Library Bibliographic Classification (LBK) Lenin Library Moscow 1959
10 Broad System of Ordering (BSO) FID/Unesco 1978
2. Affiliations and their area
Asiatic Society Library Bombay and Kolkata
English Museum UK
Connemara Public Library Chennai
Khudabaksha Oriental Library Patna
Library of Congress USA
National Science Library Delhi
National Library Calcutta
National Manuscripts Library Allahabad
National Library for Blinds and Handicaps Dehradun
National Library of Oriental Literature and Culture Patna
National Diet Library Japan
Raja Ram Mohan Roay Library Calcutta
Sarswati Mahal Library Tanjore
State Lenin Library Russia
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Arabic and Persian Research Institute Tonk (Rajasthan)
Salar Jung Museum and Library, Hyderabad
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Pune
Focal Institute of Buddhist Studies Leha
Government Manuscript Library Allahabad
Engineer of Public Library Movement in India Iyyanki Venkata Ramanayya
Ø Institute of Applied Manpower Research - New Delhi 1960
Ø Institute of Economic Growth - New Delhi 1958
Ø National board of Applied Economics research - New Delhi 1956
National Labor Institute - New Delhi 1974
Ø Indian organization of Mass correspondence - New Delhi 1965
Ø National Geographical society of India - Varanasi 1956
Ø Indian Statistical Institute - Calcutta 1932
Ø Vidya Bhavan Rural Institute - Udaipur
Ø Xavier Institute of social administration - Rachi 1955
Ø Tata Institute of sociologies - Bombay 1936
Ø Indian Institute of Advance investigation - Simala 1965
Ø A.N Sinha Institute of Social - Studies Patana 1953
Ø H.C.M State Institute of Public Administration - Jaipur 1957
Ø Anthropological study of India - Calcutta 1945
Ø Living Videotext, a product improvement organization established by Dave Winer in 1983.
Ø Windows Vista is a working framework by Microsoft for use on PCs.
Ø Windows XP is a PC working framework created by Microsoft as a feature of Windows NT.
Ø Android is a working framework in view of the Linux portion.
Ø The main portable mobile phone was propelled in India on 31 July 1995.
Ø First Mobile specialist co-op was Modi Groups in 1995 and began in Kolkata.
Ø Perhaps outstanding amongst other known libraries of antiquated circumstances is the Library of Alexandria. Established in 228 BC in Alexandria, Egypt,
Ø Greenstone is created by the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato.
Ø Invenio is created by the CERN Document Server Software Consortium.
Ø Invenio is open-source programming.
Ø NewGenLib is an incorporated library administration framework created by Verus Solutions Pvt Ltd 2005.
Ø PMB (PhpMyBibli) is a completely highlighted open-source coordinated library framework. The task was started by François Lemarchand in Oct. 2002.
Ø Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a convention created by the Open Archives Initiative.
Ø OAI-PMH must help to speak to metadata in Dublin Core.
Ø Contextual Query Language (CQL), beforehand known as Common Query Language.
Ø Avram's improvement of the MARC arranges in the late 1960s and mid-1970s.
Ø VuFind is an open-source library internet searcher Developed by Villanova University.
Ø Fritz Machlup (1962) presented the idea of the learning business. He recognized five segments of the information area. [NETØ. In the first place Department in India begin a Diploma course in Library Science in 1946.
Ø .First Department in British Commonwealth to begin M.Lib.Sc. in 1949.
Ø. In the first place Department in British Commonwealth to present a doctoral program in 1951 and the first Ph.D. degree was granted in 1957. Around then, it was the main Department in the entire of British Commonwealth leading Ph.D. in Library Science.
Ø. To begin with to begin M.Phil. program in Library and Information Science in 1978.
Ø. To begin with to present two new papers in M.Lib.Sc. in 1972 on :
(I) Library Systems Analysis and Elements of Statistical Methods, and
(ii ) Computer Application in Library in M.Lib.Sc.
Ø. To begin with to present the idea of workshop-cum-library which, later in 1999 was changed over into cutting edge Computer Lab.
Ø. Delhi University has begun post-MLISc Internship Training Program for the understudies of the Department, wherein the understudies will be allowed to labor for a half year in Delhi University Library at a stipend of Rs. 7,500/ - p.m.
Ø. Division sought after for re-opening the passage for LIS experts at the levels of Library Clerk, Semi-Professional-Assistant which were obstructed since 1986.
Ø. To start with to present a select paper on Marketing of LIS Products and Services and Management Consultancy subject in M.L.I.Sc. Course in 2004.
Ø . To start with to present Information Literacy Applications in LIS subject in M.L.I.Sc. Course in 2009.
Ø . Album, CD-ROM, DVD, BD-ROM: Read just capacity, utilized for mass dissemination of advanced data (music, video, PC programs).
Ø. .Compact disc R, DVD-R, DVD+R, BD-R: Write once capacity, utilized for tertiary and disconnected stockpiling.
Ø. Album RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, BD-RE: Slow compose, quick read stockpiling, utilized for tertiary and disconnected stockpiling.
Ø. Ultra Density Optical or UDO is comparable in ability to BD-R or BD-RE and is moderate compose, quick read stockpiling utilized for tertiary and disconnected stockpiling.
Ø. Static arbitrary access memory (SRAM or static RAM) is a sort of semiconductor memory.
Ø. A UNIX working framework created at Bell Labs in 1969.
Ø. An easy-to-understand working framework created in 1985 by Microsoft.
Ø. The group of PCs presented by Apple in 1984 advanced the graphical UI (GUI).
Ø. Evergreen is an open source Integrated Library System (ILS), at first created by the Georgia Public Library Service for Public Information Network for Electronic Services (PINES),2006.
Ø open-source, multilingual programming, issued under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
InternateConfiguration Control Board amid 1979
Ø It, in the long run, turned into the Internet Advisory Board amid September 1984
Ø Internet Activities Board amid May 1986
Ø Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), and was called ARPANET 1969
Ø The ARPANET was intended to reroute arrange activity consequently
Ø ARPANET built up the principal email program,
Ø The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was one of the world's first operational parcel exchanging systems, the principal system to actualize TCP/IP,
Ø The Library Quarterly (LQ) (1931-)
Ø Library Trends (1952-)
Ø Scientometrics (diary) (1978-)
Ø The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) - Founded in 1989,
Ø Hulme's guideline of scholarly warrant (1911)
Ø Shepard's Citations (1873)
Ø Science Citation Index (SCI) is a reference record initially delivered by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and made by Eugene Garfield. It was authoritatively propelled in 1964
Ø Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) created by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)
Ø The Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), otherwise called Arts and Humanities Search, by Thomson Reuters (United States)
Ø First robotized reference ordering was finished by Cite Seer in 1997
Ø The h-file is a record that endeavors to quantify both the efficiency and effect of the distributed work of a researcher or researcher
Ø Inventing the h-file in 2005, by Jorge E. Hirsch.
Ø The g-file is a file for measuring logical profitability in view of the production record. It was recommended in 2006 by Leo Egghe.
Ø The term webometrics was first instituted by Almind and Ingwersen (1997).
Ø "Web Impact Factor" (WIF) presented by Ingwersen (1998).
Ø Informetrics is the investigation of quantitative parts of data.
Ø Scientometrics, which thinks about quantitative parts of science.
Ø Webometrics, which considers quantitative parts of the World Wide Web.
Ø Cybermetrics, which is like webometrics, however, widens its definition to incorporate electronic assets.
Ø Bibliometrics, which examines quantitative parts of recorded data.
Ø Term informetrics (French: Informetrie) was instituted by Nacke in 1979.
Ø The Journal of Informetrics is a quarterly settled in 2007. by Elsevier
Ø The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) was established by Eugene Garfield in 1960
Ø Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science (ODLIS).
Ø . "Web Impact Factor" (WIF) presented by Ingwersen (1998)
Ø. Informetrics is the investigation of quantitative parts of data
Ø · Scientometrics, which thinks about quantitative parts of science
Ø · Web measurements, which considers quantitative parts of the World Wide Web
Ø · Cybermetrics, which is like web measurements, yet expands its definition to incorporate electronic assets
Ø. Bibliometrics, which thinks about quantitative parts of recorded data
Ø. Term informetrics (French: Informetrie) was authored by Nacke in 1979.
Ø. The Journal of Informetrics is a quarterly settled in 2007. by Elsevier
Ø. Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science (ODLIS)
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